
Text Case Converter 2.0. SatoshiSoft
Tip: Use English letters above the Arabic letter.
Settings ×
English Letters
Font Size


Uppercase Info Text 2


Lowercase Info Text 2


Title Case Info Text 2


Sentence Case Info Text 2


Inverse Case Info Text 2

Arabic Keys


Easily switch text to all capital letters (uppercase), or all small (lowercase), capitalize the first letter of a word, or every word, and more, all at a click of a button ! Speaking of buttons..

Copy and Paste 


You can use the Copy and Paste buttons to copy and or Paste from your clipboard. You can also copy and paste using your mouse, keyboard, or touch + hold for mobile devices, just like anywhere else. Either type the text you want to switch directly into the text box, or you can paste from somewhere else, click on the text box to start typing your keyboard.

 Here is what each button does


Makes every letter in your text Uppercase, big and bold, just like shouting in text form! Like you had your Caps Lock on when you typed it.


Turns all the letters in your text into small or lowercase, all sweettiny itty-bitty cute little quiet ones. 

 Title Case 

Gives every word in your title a capital start, making it look important and official.


This one starts each sentence with a big or uppercase letter and keeps the rest small, just like in a book. 

Clear Button 

Use the clear button to clear to erase all text from the text box. If you accidentaly clicked clear, don't worry ! The next buttons are here for that. 


This button swaps the case of each letter in your text—turning uppercase letters into lowercase and vice versa. 

Undo and Redo buttons 

Click Undo or Redo to Undo or Redo your last action, or you can use the classic way if you are on computer, using your keyboard : (Ctrl + Z) to Undo and (Ctrl + Y) to Redo. 

Do not Refresh or Close the page 


Click on Download Text to save your text as .txt file, and download that file to your device. 

There is no limit to downloads, so if you feel this could be a way to back up or save your text incase of anything, then use it as much as you want. 


 Satoshi Soft does not see what you type, and does not store or try to see the text you use our tools for. Any independant audit is more than welcome to come and verify if this claim is a lie or not. your privacy is respected here. 

Once you refresh or close the window, anything you typed in this textbox is gone. We don't know what you type and if a gov asked us to see what you done, (1) we don't talk to pigs, (2) there is nothing to give anyway we don't spy on people, and (3) if a law ever forced us to spy or keep what you type, we will refuse and oppose out of principle first, and if it still was the situation, then we will make sure every user knows, not with fine print, that no one reads .. No, with a big warning in a way you can't miss.. but yea we don't do that here. 



Type k into the text box, and it will turn into ك on its own.


Type 'g with the apostrophe, and it will turn into غ.



Note that the converter is case-sensitive, so typing h or H results in different letters.



Sometimes, using the apostrophe changes the letter, such as 'g and g.

You can use the Copy and Paste buttons to copy and paste text from your clipboard or use your mouse and keyboard shortcuts.